Dr. Oz's Exercise Tips For A Healthier You!

Mehmet C. Oz, M.D., cardiac surgeon extraordinaire, is one of the country's leading voices for healthy living. Dr. Oz is a regular on Oprah, and one of the country's leading voices for healthy living. Here is Dr. Oz's Exercise Rx:

• Lift weights 30 minutes a week for bone health.

•Walk 30 minutes a day for weight control.

• Exercise 60 minutes a week at 80 percent of your maximum heart rate* for a healthier heart.

*To calculate your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, the maximum heart rate of a 45-year-old woman is 175. She should work out
60 minutes a week at a heart rate of 140 beats a minute. A good rule of thumb: The exercise should be aggressive enough to make you sweat in a cold room.

To read more of what Dr. Oz has to say about women and health, read on.

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