And here it comes....your child will be bringing home school work soon with A's and B's and smiley faces, 'best work' stickers, and so on. The refrigerator is probably the first place proud parents put up children's prized school work, but here's an idea to help organize and keep those wonderful papers.
Get a 3-ring binder and some plastic page protectors. When your child brings home a test or quiz or other paperwork you want to save, simply put it in one of the plastic sleeves, and it is saved! Kids can decorate the binders, make labels for dividing the binder into sections, make pages for comments, and so on and to make the binder unique and personal.
This is an easy clutter free way to save all those treasured papers, and the binder can easily be taken to Grandparents' houses or anywhere you go so it can be shared.
Btw, the adorable binder shown is from Kookoo bear kids...they have lots of cute stuff you might want to check out.