Have you checked out all the fabulous recipes from the Great American Seafood Cook Off.com? OMG--just reading those recipes gets my mouth watering. I think my favorite recipe would have to be the Mississippi Redfish Courtboullion with Seafood Dirty Rice. Chef Chef John Currence from Mississippi created this recipe, and it sound delicious! First because I love rice. Any kind of rice. The second reason is because this recipe has shrimp, crab meat and redfish in it! Three of my favorites.
The recipe calls for quite a lot of ingredients and preparations, but it certainly sounds like it is worth all of it. Just reading the recipe directions made me imagine the delicious aromas that would fill my kitchen. The spices alone make me want to try making this dish! I think there is just one thing I would change. The chicken livers that the dirty rice calls for. Yea--I think that would be the one ingredient I would not include. Hopefully it wouldn't change the taste too much, but something about chicken livers just doesn't appeal to me.
If you haven't checked out the recipes and chefs from the Great American Seafood Cook-off, you really should. Just be prepared for your mouth to start watering, lol. A very cool thing about all the recipes listed is that they all use domestic sustainable seafood which is important for the environment and means that the fish is local, fresh and delicious. And if you vote for your favorite recipe from the cook off, you might just win a trip to New Orleans.