So I have mentioned before that we have six-- Yes, SIX, furry (very furry)4-footed members of our family. Six dogs all with long hair. We are crazy. Yes.
But moving on can imagine how I jumped at the opportunity to review Pledge's Fabric Sweeper for Pet Hair. That sounded like an item I would put to good use (or make my hubby put to good use, hehe) constantly!
When my pet hair sweeper arrived, I opened that package up like it was a new piece of jewelry (so I exaggerate a bit--but you get the gist of my excitement, right?) I loved the lightness of this product. It looked so cool with it's design-- even my kids came over to ask me just what it was ( interested know where that is going to lead!)
But Mom had to have the first try with my new toy. I brushed it along the chair in the living room, and it moved so easily and lightly, I thought for sure it really didn't pick up anything. Wrong. Can we just say "Gross" came to mind and out of my kids' mouths as we all looked with disgust (amazed disgust, but still disgust!) at the dog hairs now securely contained inside the sweeper and off my chair!
I was simultaneously delighted and horrified. I think my six dogs sensed only the horror I was feeling, as they all seemed to quietly yet rapidly take their furriness and disappeared.
So then I had to share. My kids (even the two year old) all took turns sweeping the couch and chairs, and exclaiming their awe at the amounts of fur and hair the Pledge Sweeper picked up. My two year mastered the word 'Gross' (which goes nicely with his other word of choice, 'butts') while the hubbs just looked at me like I was the wife who failed housecleaning 101.
Needless to say, but I will anyway, I LOVE MY PET SWEEPER. Really love. Will not share, nor lend to anyone. Not even you. Nope. But....just because I won't share mine, Pledge has generously offered to GIVE AWAY ONE FREE FABRIC SWEEPER to a Happy Healthy Families' reader!
And here is what you need to do to Enter the contest and get a chance to WIN a Pledge Fabric Sweeper all of your own!
1. Visit the website. Take a gander at this cool Fabric sweeper, and come back here and leave me a comment telling me what pets you have and why you need this item.
And you are entered!
But if you'd like more chances to win, you can do all or any of the following as well (just leave me a comment for each one you do!)
2. Blog about this giveaway on your site. (THREE extra entries)
3. Follow me on Twitter (TWO extra entries)
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Non-bloggers, please be sure to leave me an email address with your comment(s) or I will not be able to include you in the drawing!
**Winners must have a US address.**
This contest will end Feb. 23rd at 11:59 pm (EST)
"This post was written for Family Review Network as part of a program by SC Johnson, who also supplied the product for review and giveaway."