Having two munchkin boys--one three and one five, I am always looking for ways to help them both engage in learning and having fun while doing so! When I was asked to review a Munchkin Math DVD, I was more than happy to do so.
We received the "Counting Money" DVD, which is one out of three titles. There is also a "Telling Time" DVD, and a "Shapes" DVD. If I had my choice, I must say I would have probably picked the Telling Time dvd as I think it would have been a bit more relevant to my five year old, and perhaps caught his interest a bit more.
When we watched our DVD together, it started out pretty cute with catchy songs and movements to help kids learn and remember the values of different coins. My two munchkin boys both were singing along and doing the gestures that went with the songs (Nothing enhances learning like music and rhythms!). As the video continued on, I noticed my five year old getting restless and not singing or paying as close attention. I have figured out since that my kiddos do better watching this video in smaller segments, and focusing on a few learning facts at a time. I will say they cover a lot of money counting on the DVD,from coins through dollars and it can get overwhelming if watching it all in one sitting.
But on the positive side, I do notice my five year old really picking up on the values of dimes and nickels now--and the more we watch the DVD, the more he is interested and curious about how much a coin is really worth when he comes across one, and what he can buy with his money! I have every confidence that this DVD is really going to help him (and my three year old down the line a bit,) with math in school!
The three DVDs in the Munchkin Math series are each conveniently available at Munchkin Math.com, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, BJ's Wholesale Clubs, and Amazon.com. for about $19.99 each. You can also twitter to win one via Mom Central:
Today and tomorrow, anyone who posts on twitter using the hashtag #MunchkinMath will be entered to win one of three Munchkin Math DVD sets, which includes all three Munchkin Math titles. As an example, you could tweet:
Help your little one with math using Munchkin Math DVDs. RT to enter to win 1 of 3 prize packs! #MunchkinMath
A little more information about Munchkin Math:
"Created by a teacher and Mom of 3 young boys who understands the importance of everyday
“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Munchkin Math and received a sample DVD to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”