This is a compensated post written by me on behalf of Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.

We have a Walgreens very close by, and I visit this store very frequently (read: like everyday!). It is just so fun to go in there to pick up day to day items because I know I am getting the best buy for my dollar. I was recently given the opportunity to review
my choice of products from the Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products line. I chose Walgreens Brand Sunscreen Lotion with an SPF of 30. Considering that I am fair-skinned, blue-eyed and very prone to getting sunburned, I was more than delighted to be able to try this product out!
I applied the lotion almost immediately after receiving it as I am in and out of the house most of the day. I find it easier to put sunscreen on in the morning so when I take kids to school, run errands, water the yard, etc., I do not have to worry about forgetting the sunscreen. The lotion itself is lightweight and creamy. I found it very easy to apply and appreciated the light scent. It seemed to absorb nicely and did not feel greasy, heavy or sticky on my face. I also applied it to my kids since they are out in the sun so much between school, playtime and sports.
So after trying this product out for a few days now, I can happily report that myself and my kids are sun-burn free!
Now, for the best part: Walgreens Brand Sunscreen Lotion is part of their mix and match products which are priced at 2/$5.00. That is so much lower than most other name brand sunscreens! Between myself, my husband and our 3 kids, we go through sunscreen like crazy during the summer, and to be able to have a product that works and is so budget-friendly is fantastic. And in addition to being an exceptional value, I feel confident in using Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products because they are pharmacist recommended, most contain the same active ingredients as other national brands, and as I mentioned before, They have a 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back policy!
Walgreens also has a program which provide free preventive health tests as well as other health and wellness services and education to local communities. You can read more about it here: Walgreens Way to Well Fund™

I encourage you to try out Walgreens Brand Health and Wellness Products, and share your experiences in the comments below!

We have a Walgreens very close by, and I visit this store very frequently (read: like everyday!). It is just so fun to go in there to pick up day to day items because I know I am getting the best buy for my dollar. I was recently given the opportunity to review
my choice of products from the Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products line. I chose Walgreens Brand Sunscreen Lotion with an SPF of 30. Considering that I am fair-skinned, blue-eyed and very prone to getting sunburned, I was more than delighted to be able to try this product out!
I applied the lotion almost immediately after receiving it as I am in and out of the house most of the day. I find it easier to put sunscreen on in the morning so when I take kids to school, run errands, water the yard, etc., I do not have to worry about forgetting the sunscreen. The lotion itself is lightweight and creamy. I found it very easy to apply and appreciated the light scent. It seemed to absorb nicely and did not feel greasy, heavy or sticky on my face. I also applied it to my kids since they are out in the sun so much between school, playtime and sports.
So after trying this product out for a few days now, I can happily report that myself and my kids are sun-burn free!
Now, for the best part: Walgreens Brand Sunscreen Lotion is part of their mix and match products which are priced at 2/$5.00. That is so much lower than most other name brand sunscreens! Between myself, my husband and our 3 kids, we go through sunscreen like crazy during the summer, and to be able to have a product that works and is so budget-friendly is fantastic. And in addition to being an exceptional value, I feel confident in using Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products because they are pharmacist recommended, most contain the same active ingredients as other national brands, and as I mentioned before, They have a 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back policy!
Walgreens also has a program which provide free preventive health tests as well as other health and wellness services and education to local communities. You can read more about it here: Walgreens Way to Well Fund™

I encourage you to try out Walgreens Brand Health and Wellness Products, and share your experiences in the comments below!