5 Best Summer Science Experiments

Summer. Kids. Bored. 

These three words, when put together, can be scary.

So HHF is on the prowl to find the best easy and fun summer activities kids can do to keep the boredom bug from biting this summer!

This week we have the 5 best science experiments (we think) that kids from 5 and up should enjoy. First, a confession. We found the term, "SCI-FRI"  over at Blog Hopping ( it was in a post written by Cara from  The First Grade Parade!)

We love that term, and are stealing borrowing it here on HHF. 

So even though today is Monday, and not Friday, we are still going to post some fun science experiments - and may add a few more on Friday - oops, on 'SCI- FRI.'

 5 Cool Science Experiments For Kids To Do At Home 

( with parent supervision!!)

Tornado in a Jar

Pretty much all you need is a jar, water and soap. Check this experiment out at Ellie Moon.

DIY Hovercraft!

Anything having to do with balloons and flying will delight my kids! Check this experiment out at Scribbit.

Make Crystal Egg Geodes

This cool science experiment will help kids learn about crystallization (and really, haven't you always wondered about that too?) You can check this one out at Martha Stewart!

Make Rock Candy

Sure there is sugar involved, but kids will have so much fun making rock candy that it is worth it. You can always impose rationing, right? Find complete directions at We Are Not Martha.

Homemade Oobleck.  The best thing since homemade peanut butter. (Just Saying.)

(And this is not just your regular old homemade Oobleck recipe. This is for 'Dancing Oobleck!' ) Head over to Housing a Forest for the directions!

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