So I am in the holiday decorating mood this weekend, as I mentioned in my earlier post. I though I'd share a couple of decorating ideas that cost very little, and really are festive and fun.
First off is the "Christmas Bears" theme we did before. It works well and my kids loved it. We just gathered some stuffed bears the kids have collected over the years, and dressed them up with red and green bows, scarves, mittens, Santa hats and whatever else Christmasy we could find. Then we took Christmas wrapping paper and wrapped boxes of various sizes. Then we made arrangements with bears and the presents around the house. My daughter and 4 year old loved doing this. My two year old mostly loved coming behind them and taking the bears and presents, hehe. If you have a toy wagon that your kids won't mind giving up for a bit, they make great decorations with holiday bears and presents loaded in them.
Another cheap decorating idea is to simply take pictures you have hanging on your walls, and wrap them with Christmas wrapping paper and big ribbons. Then hang them back up-- Christmas presents on the walls---now that is festive and cheap!
I have also taken paper and covered the front side of bedroom and bathroom doors. I had to stop this one though when my two youngest thought it would be hilarious to tear the paper. But if you can buy cheap wrapping paper at dollar stores, this is a fun and easy decoration to do--as long as you don't have wrapping paper tearers like mine, LOL.
Bowls filled with ornaments, glass balls (put high up if little ones are around), pine cones and greenery always make nice touches when holiday decorating.
I love to make Christmas pictures with the kids and frame them. Use paints, stamps, glitter, crayons and markers and let the kids draw their Christmas masterpiece. Having them sign and date their paintings before framing them will create wonderful lasting Christmas memories that also show how their drawing skills changed each year.
I really think the best holiday decorations are the handmade ones, and the ones that will make everyone smile the most.