Flowers have almost magical powers. They really do. But raise your hand if you never get enough, or any, of those magical powers sent your way. I have both hands raised, hehe. My hubby is a good guy, but buying me flowers is just not something that occurs to him for the most part. But thanks to the California Cut Flowers Commission, I received an awesome bouquet of gorgeous flowers...delivered right to my door step! I had forgotten about the review coming up what with my crazy life lately and all, so I was literally stumped when the flowers arrived. And so was the hubbs! But soon enough I remembered from where the bouqet had come.
After letting my hubby sweat it out a few extra minutes than I really had to (I know...I'm evil!), I 'fessed up and filled him in that this was a review that I had been asked to do.
The California Comission on Cut Flowers has devised a helpful way for women or really anyone for that matter, to drop hints that they would love some flowers. The Commission is going to be debuting "Hint Cards" in floral retailers soon, but would love to get some feedback from us blogosphering mamas first!
The Hint Cards are so cool. There are 25 in a set. They have cute little "hints" printed on them such as "Psst...My Favorite Flower is in Season." On the back of each hint card is a message from California Cut Flowers "suggesting" that a loved one would love some of America's Freshest Cut Flowers.
Fun stuff. I am giving my neighbor a few of these cards, and she and I wil be using our cards and keeping tabs to see how well they work with our hubbys.
Want to play along? The California Cut Flower Commission will be giving 25 of my readers a set of their own cards! Each set has 25 cards in it. You can put these hint cards anywhere...under pillows, in bowling bags, on bathroom mirrors, steering wheels, tape it to remote controls, on a case of beer in the refrigerator....hmmm....anywhere at all!
So all you need do is leave me a comment telling me the first place you would leave a hint card. That's it! The first 25 people commenting will get their free set of 25 cards. And hopefully some beautiful flowers shortly thereafter!
And one more thing! When the winners receive their set of 25 hint cards, they will also get instructions for filling out an online survey and get a chance to win a bouquet of flowers every month for a year! Now that would be sooo cool!
Giveaway will end June 27th at 11:59 est. Contest open to US Addresses only. Must include valid email with comment if not a blogger
Thanks again to The California Cut Flower Commission and The Family Review Network for this sweet review!