All I Want For Christmas Are Some Firm Sexy Abs!!

It's true--I do want some sexy tight abs for Christmas. Heck, I'll settle for just a tighter stomach-- one that doesn't require me to hold my breath to get pants buttoned. But I need some serious motivation. It's too darn easy for me to come up with excuses not to exercise and to just cover my not so firm body with a large t-shirt. Sigh. What is a mom of three kids to do? Join a gym? Too expensive. Buy a larger collection of large t-shirts? Yuck.
But there is some hope for my "missing-in-action" abs in the form of a work out video. Now this I think I could do. I love dancing and this workout incorporates dance as well as martial arts and power yoga. Plus the fact that the instructor is the gorgeous celebrity trainer Eric Paskel certainly doesn't hurt! Watching this guy gets my heart rate up right away. Go ahead, take a look and see what I'm talking about. I really think XFLOWSION looks like a perfect way to exercise this saggy old body of mine and get it into at least a little better shape for the holidays.

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