Over on Mom Dot they are having their Small Talk Meme going and today the topic is 6 places you would like to travel to if you had someone trustworthy to watch your children and pets.
Hmmm. This is actually a tough one for me because actually I am a homebody sort of gal, hehe. I like sleeping in my own bed, and just have never been one for traveling much. Plus, I HATE FLYING!! So afraid of flying I am neurotic almost about it. Now if you are giggling--stop it!!! LOL, but I guess I can come up with six places we could drive to (or fly if I were totally drunk or on tranquilizers!)
So here's my list:
1. Hawaii (can you drive there? No? Excuse me while I go get some Tequila!)
2. San Fransisco (Now I can drive there. May take a day, but that is no problem!!)
3. Oregon (don't ask me why)
4. Las Vegas (fun!)
5. Monterey/Carmel
6. Seattle (I like rain!)
Boring six, I know. But, hey. I am just a simple boring girl at heart.