Thanks to S.C. Johnson (Makers of Scrubbing Bubbles and Windex), and the Family Review Network, I was able to review SC Johnson's new Nature's Source Bathroom Cleaner. Now I have to admit I HATE cleaning our bathrooms (after all, we have two little boys!), but I know if I don't, no one else will.
My very first impression of Nature's Source was that I was delighted to not smell that nasty chemical odor so many cleaners always have.
The cleanser itself did an truly an amazing job with the "mess" that is our bathroom. I don't think there is a cleaner out there that can completely face the challenges of a four year old boy and his little two year old brother, seriously, but I give kudos to Nature's Source for a job well done! We have more yuck in there than I need share, hehe, but Nature's Source handled it all well. I actually did not mind cleaning the bathroom as much as I usually do.
I multi-task cleaners...a lot. And I did use the Nature's Source Bathroom Cleaner in other rooms, such as my kitchen. I mean, really, a counter is a counter no matter which room it's in, right? I used it in my kitchen sink, stove top and on the front of my dishwasher. I loved this stuff and kind of got in a cleaning mode, kwim? This may not occur all too often, but that's another story!
Nature's Source Bathroom Cleaner (as well as the whole line of cleansers) is more than 99 percent natural. They are packaged in recyclable bottles, partly produced by renewable energy from a local landfill, and recognized for safer chemistry by the Environmental Protection Agency's Design for the Environment (DfE) program. How is that for cleaning GREEN?? Plus, the Nature's Source products are $3.49 - $3.69 (MSRP)--so it will not leave a dent in my wallet when it's time to buy some more.
Good for the kids and family, and good for our environment. Gotta love that!
And I get to GIVEAWAY 1 bottle of Nature's Source Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner from SC JOHNSON-- How cool is that? Just in time for all that Spring Cleaning you've got planned, right?
To Enter this giveaway--
Visit the Nature's Source site and then leave me a comment letting me know which cleaning product you would like most.
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Please Note** This contest is open to US entries only. You must include an email address with your entry so I can Contact you. Winner will have 3 days to respond to my notification email within 3 days or a new winner will be drawn. And finally, the sponsor will send the product directly to the winner so a mailing address will be necessary.
Contest Ends March 18th.